
Daily “Carousel Mindfulness Meetup” Sit Group

I am the lead bell ringer for this daily silent meditation sit from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain Time. Nicolas Spyker and Diane Hubner started this Unified Mindfulness community daily sit. It’s not guided, it’s just a place to connect and sit together. Some people show up regularly, others show up occasionally, some sit for the full 90-minutes and others sit for a shorter period. You never know what faces you’ll see. Occasionally we’ll have a brief discussion after the end bell for those who wish to stick around. If you’re not familiar with Unified Mindfulness, you may want to check out this free ebook and/or the free on-line training course:

Zoom meeting link: 

Meeting ID: 515 028 7241
Passcode: 1234

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,5150287241#,,,,,,0#,,1234# US (Houston)
+14086380968,,5150287241#,,,,,,0#,,1234# US (San Jose)