Becoming Brendalyn

Brendalyn’s Journey

In order to be all I can be in my life and to excel in the services I offer, I first and foremost honor myself by continually journeying inward to do my never-ending essential ongoing inner work. This includes getting support through daily on and off-the-cushion meditation, monthly spiritual direction, frequent meditation training and retreats, and engaging coaching services when I recognize a specific need.

Doing my personal inner work increases my self-awareness and my self-responsibility as it ensures compassion for others while supporting them in their inner work.

I celebrate and embrace knowing that we are all students and teachers of each other and for each other.


About Brendalyn

I was brought up in a faith community that I experienced as being focused on fear and shame (original sin). In my early twenties, while living in Hawaii, I was blessed to find an interspiritual path in which I felt as if I had “come home.” I enjoyed the dynamic, practical Sunday messages that raised my spirits and taught me that I was inherently good (regardless of how I was acting).

Ten years later, in the midst of personal distress, I “crawled” into my second interspiritual faith community looking for the positive message and type of people I remembered from Hawaii. I began attending Sunday services on a regular basis and taking classes for credit that led to my becoming a credentialed teacher and ordained minister.

From an interspiritual viewpoint, I find the seeds of Truth and spiritual practices in all the world’s spiritual paths. The many spiritual paths remind me of spokes on a wheel where the hub in all paths is oneness with all creation. While the various paths differ in their specific beliefs, styles and approaches, they are all pointing to the Oneness at the hub of all life. Just as the spokes on the wheel come closer to each other as they near the hub, each Path also comes closer to Divine Oneness the closer it comes to all other Paths.

I am delighted and blessed to have found a Spiritual Path that makes sense to my heart, my mind, and my soul. It is a Path that teaches there is one Presence and One Power in the Universe and in all of life, with many ways to find and experience that Divine Presence and Power. It is a Path that honors my intelligence, that values me as a person and a woman, that affirms my intrinsic worth while helping me to recognize and overcome my shortcomings and stretch to be all I was created to be. And it does so without using fear, guilt, or manipulation.

I believe the essence of spirituality is the conscious awareness of our Divine Essence. As I have grown in my understanding and application of spiritual principles, my life has been transformed beyond my wildest dreams. There is a fulfillment and faith that has replaced the feeling of emptiness, aloneness, and disconnection. I have found deep meaning and purpose in my life and a tremendous sense of peace and joy. As a result, I experience more of what I want in my life, and less of what I don’t want.

Even during the time when I had no spiritual path, I was unknowingly longing for what I eventually found: Divine-Awareness and Oneness, spiritual support, insight, guidance and strength.

As you explore and deepen your own spirituality, I believe you will have a similar experience. I have come to believe there is only one Presence and one Power, called by many different names and found through many different Paths. Whichever Path leads you to a greater understanding and experience of your Divine Essence is the right Path for you. I encourage you to find a spiritual path that is right for you and a spiritual teacher and community that supports and nurtures your spiritual growth.

I celebrate you knowing your magnificence and unlimited potential to live your life centered in peace, wisdom, and love with effortless ease, grace, and joy so that no one or no thing can disturb you — no matter what!


Associate of Arts — Leeward Community College, Pearl City, Hawaii

Bachelor of General Studies — Chaminade University of Honolulu

M.A. (Counseling) — University of New Mexico

Coach Training Program — Coach U


Ordained interspiritual minister

Certified Unified MindfulnessTeacher/Trainer

Certified Coach — Nutritarian Education Institute

Neurolinguistics Programming Certificate

Sexual Harassment Prevention Trainer

Sexual Harassment and other Alleged Misconduct Investigator